Ascot Norwich Show Wins
Most of all, we love living with our Norwich Terriers. We occasionally show our dogs just for the fun of it, but dog shows are not our priority. Here are a few of our memorable show wins.

Ch. Ascot Bonnie Blue Me Away
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show 2017
Best of Opposite Sex

Ch. Ascot Bonnie Blue Me Away
Best of Breed, from the classes
Butte County KC, California
June 2016

Ch. Ascot I Just Can’t Wait To Be King “Simba”
Best of Winners, Major Win
The National Dog Show, The Kennel Club of Philadelphia, November 2014

Ch. Jaeva Could It Be Major (UK)
Winners, New Champion
Berks County KC, Pennsylvania
November 2013

Ascot I Just Can’t Wait To Be King “Simba”
Best of Breed, with Angela Chase, first show
Raleigh KC, Judge: Knowlton Reynders
September 2013

Ch. Ascot Bizzy Lizzy
Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex
Maryland KC, February 2013

Ch. Ascot Bizzy Lizzy
Major Win, with Angela Chase
Bucks County KC, Pennsylvania
May 2013

Ch. Ascot Red Poppy
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show 2013
Grand Champion Select Bitch

Ch. Ascot Red Poppy
Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex
Hatboro KC, Pennsylvania
October 2012

Am.Ch. & Eng.Ch. Ascot Sanspur at Yarrow “PJ”
Best of Breed
Blackpool Show, England

Am.Ch. & Eng.Ch. Ascot Sanspur at Yarrow “PJ”
Best in Show
The Norwich Terrier Club Breed Championship Show, 2012
Rhoade, England
Judge: Mr. Geoff Brown (Queslade)

GCH Ascot Sanspur at Yarrow “PJ”
Best of Breed
Great Western Terrier Show, California 2012

GCH Ascot Sanspur at Yarrow “PJ”
Best of Breed / Terrier Group 2
Sequoia KC, California 2012

Ch. Ascot Sand Dollar “Bucky”
Major Win, New Champion
Shenandoah Valley KC
April 2012

Ch. Ascot Sand Dollar “Bucky”
Best of Winners / Best of Breed
Old Dominion KC, Hunt Country Cluster, Virginia
October 2011

Ascot Apple Blossom
Best of Breed
Langley KC, Virginia
May 2011

Ch. Ascot Sand Castle “Cassie”
Best Bred-By in Show
Valley Forge KC, Pennsylvania
September 2010

Ascot Twinkle Little Star
Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex
Wilmington KC, Delaware
May 2010

Ch. Ascot Apple Betty
Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex
Chambersburg KC
December 2008

Ch. Ascot Tiger Lily
Best of Breed
Ramapo KC
October 2008

Ch. Ascot Violet Bouquet
Best of Winners, Major Win (5 points)
Old Dominion KC, Cherry Blossom Circuit
Judge: Peter Green, April 2007

Ch. Jaeva Crocadile Dunndee (UK) “Bentley”
Best of Breed
Southern Maryland KC
July 2005

Ch. Yarrow’s Love Bug
New Champion, Best of Winners
Northeastern Maryland KC
November 2004

Jaeva Cloudsecret (UK) “Emma”
Best of Breed, from the classes
Salisbury KC, Maryland
August 2003